018: Using a Website to Grow Your Farming Business with Jill Noble
Taking Back Joy Podcast • Episode 018:
Using a Website to Grow Your Farming Business with Jill Noble
In this episode we chat with a former client, Jill Noble, to discuss her perspective on the massive difference a website made to both the accessibility for potential and existing members and customers, as well as some of the in-house administrative tasks that needed to be performed within her business.
I'm looking forward to sharing with you her insights into the whole web design experience, why she needed a website in both the instance of her farm and the farming association she represents, and most importantly, how she actually prepared for the web design process because from the designer perspective.
If you're considering getting a website for your business or organisation, Jill's got a lot of fabulous insights into how you can be prepared to get the most out of the experience. So let's jump in.
Show Notes: Links & resources mentioned in this episode
Visit the Australian Wiltshire Horn Sheepbreeders Association website
This is Jill’s second appearance on Taking Back Joy. Listen to Episode 009 to learn about her podcast journey.