038: Reverse engineering your goals with Tori Kopke

Taking Back Joy Podcast • Episode #038:

Reverse engineering your goals with Tori Kopke

In this episode, we're back with Tori Kopke, my very first business coach, to talk about the idea of reverse engineering goals.

Now, that might sound super woo-woo and a bit far fetched for you if you haven't come across this term before. But, I can almost guarantee that once you realise how this works and how it can play-out in your business, you're going to be kicking yourself that you weren't implementing this sooner! This is a practical way of moving the needle in your business and engineering growth to get ahead.

It's also a vehicle to make those big, bold dreams achievable when we categorise them down into yearly, monthly, weekly and daily goals. I'm so glad to be having this conversation with Tori because it was with her during my first one-on-one business coaching experience that I got to understand how this works and how it actually plays out in a growing business.

This is a chat with Tori that I can't wait to share with you guys. She's fantastic. She's practical. She's down to earth, and she gets what it means to running a business in a small town, trying to make a big difference.

Let's jump in.



Show Notes: Links & resources mentioned in this episode


039: Levelling Up Your Written Marketing Content with Martha Barnard-Rae of Word Candy Comms


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